
Thursday, October 30, 2014

Back To School Rainbow Sensory Bin

So after our first few weeks of homeschool my mommy brain was exhausted. It is hard to teach a first grader math while a preschooler asks what do I have to do next mom? Whats my schoolwork mom? Wheres my math mom? Wheres my notebook mom? Whats my spelling words mom? 92 24 89 3 10 0 6 81 55 38......? Is that right mom? 

Ahhhh talk about overload. So out came our sensory bin materials!

What's In Our Rainbow Sensory Bin 
 colored rafia 
puff balls
bright colored balls
pipe cleaners
letter cards
bright colored erasers
magnet numbers 
bead necklaces
plastic cups
all different length ribbons
sorting containers
tweezers and other grabbing toys