
Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Homemade Lava Lamp Science

Home made Lava Lamps are so much FUN!

All you need
a fun shaped bottle
food coloring
and an Alka Seltzer Tab

1. Fill the bottle 3/4 full with oil (clearer oil like vegetable works better than olive or canola)
2. Fill the rest of the way with water
3. Add food coloring (you can make it pretty dark)
4. Cut up the alkaseltzer tab and put it in one little bit at a time making sure you let it stop fizzing before adding more (or it might overflow)
5. Be sure all fizzing and bubbling has stopped, put your cover on, and shake!!
(I did this and then reopened it a few times to make sure the pressure was all released)

M1 and M2 are both mesmerized by it!

You can add a flashlight at night for another dimension of learning! 
or if you have a light box it would be fun to play with on there!

For a great science explanation visit Science Kids

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  1. Thank you for linking up to Tuesday Tots this week - and I love the Lava Lamp Science - which is why I'm featuring it this week on Tuesdsay Tots please pop by and see what else I'm featuring in this weeks Science themed features

  2. I love this so much! I am featuring it tomorrow on Tuesday Tots. :)
