
Monday, July 1, 2013

First Night in our New House

So we closed on the house, painted, painted, painted, and painted some more. In order to get more things done the very first thing we did was set up the Crib and the Toddler Bed! So the kids could nap and sleep and we didn't have to be driving back and forth. So the first night the kids slept together in M2's room (M1's room was being painted) and we slept on just our mattress in the middle of the dining room floor... We had shampooed all the carpets and they weren't dry yet!

They were pretty excited to be back in there beds!

We woke up the next morning and ate yogurt from the cooler (since our fridge was still in storage) and sat on the porch listening to the rain!!

And then the moving began!!

Here is some of our crazy moving mess!

 Allies Room being painted... That coral color in Begonia it looks really awesome for her little reading room!

Fridge installed!

New stove installed!

New Washer and Dryer installed!

More to come...

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing! It looks like everything is coming together. I am so happy for you both and the girls. :) Aunt sue
