
Thursday, August 8, 2013

2 Year Old Bedroom Makeover

M2's room... We didn't have to paint this one! Yeaaahhhhh! I really do like to paint but I do NOT like painting every single room in the house in one swoop... So I was very happy that the colors in this room work great for M2's decor!

Our house has two dormers in the front and 2 dormers in the back. So each of the girls rooms have a dormer in the front and the back! I have to say I love dormers! They are so much fun!

We created a "reading room" in each girls bedroom in one of the dormers
All you need
Curtain rod with wall cups
or a tension curtain rod
A few gutters for book shelves 
A cute light
And a Handy Husband!

M2's reading room has some of her favorite toys, a large pouf that I will post instructions for in the future, two gutter bookshelves, a little yellow rug and a bead lamp (thanks to Target).

1 comment:

  1. aww what a cute and baby and how beautifully you have decorated kids room.
    New Leather TV Bed
