
Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Ooblek and Ice Prints

We play with Ooblek on a regular basis! Thanks to Dr Seuss which is a favorite in our house!
Ooblek is just so easy and cheap All you need is a $1 box of cornstarch from the dollar store and you are ready to go

We have Made:

Since it has been so hot we decided to make our Ooblek with ice this time! 

As the ice slowly melted the consistency of the Ooblek continued to change!! Very great learning activity!

To Make Ooblek Check out our other Post Here


Our Ooblek play enticed Mommy and Emmi also! We got goopy with M2! Such fun!

When we had pretty much exhausted our senses M2 started sticking her toes in the Bowl! And we made Ooblek foot prints, hand prints, and just generally painted the deck with Ooblek!

Running to make footprints~

 Once your feet our in the bowl it is hard to get them out!! 

This was a lot of fun and a great way to cool off with some ice cubes! AND EASY EASY EASY clean up! That is one of my favorite things about ooblek add a little water and it disappears! Hosed off the deck and each other and we were clean in no time!

Check out our other recent posts:


  1. The prints are great! What a fun idea. We love Oobleck, and we love making it with ice. Have you ever made it with colored ice? It's really fun to watch the colors swirl together as the ice melts.

  2. I love how messy this was to clean up. I thought it was going to be really messy.

    Thank you for linking up to Outside Play: Water.
