
Thursday, August 23, 2012

10 Things to Put in Your Childs Swimming Pool

So this is the time of year when the kids are getting ready to go back to school and most of them are all sick of "swimming" in the pool. So how about you spice up their lives for them and take a minute yourself to RELAX while they are busy playing in the pool! - no life jackets required!

haha but no water, use an electric knife and slice them up!

I put my kids in their play clothes or old swim suits dump the ice in the pool and let them play.
The hose works great for clean up! Or it is also a good way to bribe them into the bath tub!

Not a great inside plan and outside it flies away in the wind so... dump it in the pool! 
A full body experience of floating on cloud dough!

4. Shaving Cream is a cheap sensory experience. 1-2 bottles of shaving cream will coat the bottom of your plastic pool (depending on the size) and they only cost a dollar at the Dollar Tree!

We add in some drops of food coloring and water beads to add an extra texture! Bath toys are also a great addition!

We recently added them to our Pool

6. Ooblek, ooblek, and ooblek. Do you think you can walk on water?? Can you walk on ooblek? Can you lay in it? YOu will have to try it to find out!

 8. Playdough! I love playdough especially homemade play dough.. But this is a BIG BUT... I always end up hauling out the vacuum to chase around the small dried up bits of playdough all over the floor, table, chairs... etc!

9. Water Balloons! What kid doesn't love water balloons! We play games in the pool with them. How long can you lay on them before you pop one? How about playing twister in the pool without popping the balloons??


I have no more to say... this is by far our favorite!



  1. LOL! I really thought you're forgetting water beads when it's actually one of the best stuffs to put in water for kids to play with. Thanks for these ideas. By the way, I didn't know spaghetti in water can be fun, too.

  2. Those bath toys would make indoor swimming for kids a worthwhile time to have fun. Great ideas for our kids enjoyment.
